How to Test almost all kinds of Optocouplers ?
Optocoupler Tester
in this post i want to show you how to check if an optocoupler is working. This circuit requires only a 12 volts power supply .
Components :
- 1x 7805 voltage regulator
- 2x 1kΩ resistor
- 1x 470Ω resistor
- 1x 120Ω resistor
- 1x 2N3904 transistor (or any general purpose transistor will work)
- 1x 1N4007 diode
- 1x relay
- an LED
Why this circuit ?
Now there are several way to test an optocoupler, but this circuit in particular will allow you to test a lot of them much faster , and by including the right mount in your pcb you can test a variety of packages including smd packages ,
Working of the circuit :
This circuit will take a 12v voltage source and then step it down to 5 volts using a 7805 linear voltage regulator as well as providing a 12v source to the 12vDC relay. the transistor will act as a switch and turn on/off according to the optocoupler's output voltage thus will result in an electromagnetic field in the relay's core and eventually a closed circuit of the relay output and the led turning on.
There are a lot of possible configurations to this circuit depending on the kind of optocoupler that you are willing to use come optocouplers require a 3.3 v source you should check the specified datasheet first and get the exact ratings of your component .
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