How to Test almost all kinds of Optocouplers ?
Optocoupler Tester An optocoupler tester The purpose of an optocoupler is to transfer signals from one circuit to another yet keep them galvanically isolated . in this post i want to show you how to check if an optocoupler is working. This circuit requires only a 12 volts power supply . Components : 1x 7805 voltage regulator 2x 1k Ω resistor 1x 470 Ω resistor 1x 120 Ω resistor 1x 2N3904 transistor (or any general purpose transistor will work) 1x 1N4007 diode 1x relay an LED How to correctly place an optocoupler : In the picture shown you will find a dot in the component package indicating the correct orientation of the package , usually this is indicated in the datasheet of the component , but i thought that you should know this any way. Why this circuit ? Now there are several way to test an optocoupler, but this circuit in particular will...